Investing in Rural Community Futures
Imagine a funding approach that is focused on the people, the not for profit groups and networks that support rural and regional communities to thrive.
Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF), an FRRR and VFFF partnership, is focused on strengthening grassroots organisations that are fundamental to the social and economic fabric of their communities.
Over the next four years, three New South Wales communities - Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley - will participate in the program, which focuses on strengthening local not-for-profits, and in turn, rural communities. The three communities were chosen for their concentration of great local organisations, their insight into how to address local issues and seize opportunities, and commitment to creating sustainable, vibrant futures.
IRCF takes a place-based approach and encourages the not-for-profit sector to work collaboratively within the community for impact. In addition to being able to access a range of support to increase the capacity of local not-for-profits, community groups in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley will each have access to up to $950,000 in grants between 2020 and 2023. This funding will support whatever the community groups decide they need to build their organisational capacity, capability, and resilience.
The initiative aligns with VFFF and FRRR’s shared belief that local leaders are best placed to know what is going to make the biggest difference in their community. The results in each location will be formally evaluated, and lessons shared with philanthropic, government and not-for-profit audiences to support practice development and thought leadership.
"IRCF is a different way of thinking, a different way of granting and, at its core, it is very much about building capacity and capability so communities can determine and shape their future. Each community we're working with is very different: from their challenges, unique personalities and the depth and breadth of not-for-profits that work within its boundaries. But at the end of the day, it’s about communities making a shift from surviving to thriving and reimagining their future.”