Humanitarian Hub
Working together to better meet the needs of people seeking asylum
to coordinate volunteer management to better meet the needs of people seeking asylum in NSW. An initiative of the NSW Alliance for People Seeking Asylum.
The four members of the NSW Alliance for People Seeking Asylum – Jesuit Refugee Service, Asylum Seekers Centre, St Francis Social Services – House of Welcome and Refugee Advice & Casework Service – share a common purpose to support people seeking asylum in NSW. The Alliance formed in early 2016 to investigate how the agencies might work together to meet the growing needs of people seeking asylum in NSW.
The first task on their agenda was to coordinate volunteer resources. Between them, the agencies had many volunteers waiting to be of assistance, but not the resources individually to make the most of this valuable resource. The contribution of volunteers in this sector is immense and the employment of a Hub Coordinator to centralise recruitment, matching and core training of volunteers will ensure this vital asset is used for best effect.
In the resource constrained and competitive not for profit funding environment, it is refreshing to see this practical collective initiative come to life. VFFF were delighted the Caledonia Foundation and the Sidney Myer Fund also backed this promising collaboration.
"The four organisations believe the common values of welcome, dignity and justice are the foundation for our successful collaboration. We continue to explore ideas for collectively growing the services we provide to support our community. We are grateful and encouraged that our collaborative work has been enthusiastically supported by this funding collaboration."