Our Story, Our People

Being a family foundation

The Vincent Fairfax family maintains a commitment to VFFF as the flagship of their family’s philanthropy.

Family members strive to honour the legacy of Sir Vincent and Lady Nancy Fairfax, while responding to present day challenges and opportunities. VFFF has a strategic goal to continue to be a thriving multi-generational family foundation for many generations to come.

Mindful of the constant balance between honouring the wishes of the Founders and retaining relevance to future generations, there are many opportunities for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of the family to participate in and shape VFFF’s work.


"We want to be effective in our giving, leave an impression, a lasting legacy. We have to be strategic in our giving, we have to collaborate with others and take ownership of our learnings on what has and has not worked. Good philanthropy is leading by example, particularly as the new wealth of young entrepreneurs is increasing. Our role is also to encourage others to give."

Fairfax family member, 3rd generation

VFFF Board photo
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