Since 2012, the Grants Committee has brought younger Fairfax family members together to participate in grant making for VFFF grants up to $50,000. Each year this granting represents around 10% of VFFF’s total grants. Set up as a family engagement strategy, the Committee has been a tremendous success. During its first decade, the Committee held 56 meetings, involving 16 family members and distributed 178 grants totalling $6.35m. The work of the Committee has always been characterised by respectful and rigorous debate, a willingness to have a go and genuine interest and care about the work of not for profit organisations. In 2022, a working group of family members from the third and fourth generations came together to design VFFF’s new Backing the Future grants. The working group utilised VFFF’s flexibility as a charitable trust to design a grants program focused on funding individuals and their early stage ideas for rural and regional young people in NSW and QLD. This new direction will build on the role that the Committee has always been keen to play – backing early stage work, supporting rural and regional areas, taking informed risks and complementing VFFF’s larger grants.
"Good philanthropy is listening to the needs of others and working with the right people to facilitate change. Knowing about what areas we work in, not as experts but with enough knowledge to ensure that philanthropic resources are needed and in what form."
Family member, 3rd generation