Birrang - Maranguka Driver Licensing Initiative
The opportunity of a licence
drop in driving offences since 2013
Getting a licence is a game-changer – and for some more than others. This $223,832 grant established the Maranguka Driving Licensing Initiative, as part of the Justice Reinvestment work in Bourke. Driver licensing had been identified as a ‘justice circuit-breaker’, or something that would have a rapid and substantial impact on reducing local people’s involvement with the justice system.
The program supported people to navigate the licensing system, assisted them with obtaining identification documents (e.g. birth certificate) and found licensed drivers in the community to help aspirants reach their required hours of supervised driving.
310 people obtained a licence in Bourke between December 2015 and January 2019 – and in a remote place where access to transport can mean access to a range of new opportunities, it has already led directly to 10 people getting a job. 113 people were assisted with gaining Work Development Orders to pay off driving related fines and there has been a 56% drop in driving offences since 2013.

"Getting a licence essentially opens up possibilities for families, individuals and the community. Mum and Dad can go to work, pick the kids up from school, attend a football game as a family or with friends and do their Christmas shopping in Dubbo."