Our Impact

Grant recipients

VFFF is a thriving family foundation, with family members over three generations actively in its current work. Founded in 1962, VFFF is one of the largest family foundations in Australia. We have distributed more than $175 million to Australian communities since we started.

VFFF helps ambitious and well-managed organisations to make a real difference on issues that matter to the people they support. We back new ways of thinking and working, and support highly catalytic work that really makes a difference in the long-term.

We like to support organisations that are ambitious, vibrant and forward-looking to take bold steps to bring their ideas to fruition.

Our goal is thriving communities, where people can reach their educational, social and economic potential in a connected society. Most of our work is NSW and Queensland, with around 60% of our grants supporting rural communities.

VFFF also works with organisations that help young people have positive experiences with Christianity, and supports areas important to the family, such as ethics and leadership capability.

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