Our Story, Our People
Who is VFFF?
VFFF is a thriving family foundation, with family members spanning three generations active in our current work. Founded in 1962, we have distributed more than $200 million to Australian communities. Honouring our Founders’ legacy, we strive to play the most useful role we can, joining the efforts of so many working for a better Australia.

"This action was taken on the basis that my children are well provided for, and hopefully, in their turn will contribute further assets to this Family pot of gratitude for all the benefits we have received since landing in Australia in 1838."
Vincent Fairfax, 1973
In honouring our founders' beliefs and intentions, VFFF seeks opportunities to benefit and care for Australians and our country,
Backing Young People with innovative opportunities that advance their independence, social purpose and future security.
Under VFFF's current grant-making strategy of Backing Young People, we support individuals and organisations that provide opportunities for young people to access decent work, to care for the environment, contribute to society and explore Christian faith and values. Our focus on Backing Young People aligns with our history, values and grantmaking experience. We aim that 60% of our funds support rural and regional young people.
Strategic Lenses
VFFF articulated the strategic lenses to guide VFFF's work, regardless of the grant-making strategy adopted at a particular time. The five lenses were developed with a clear line of sight to family values. They guide VFFF in all aspects of our work including the approach to investing, team development and engaging family members.
As the family tradition of generosity continues, the views and interests of Sir Vincent's descendants are paramount to our work
Courageous yet responsible
We support ideas and organisations at critical times of development or transition
We understand impact is maximised when we work together with both our grant partners and philanthropic peers
Participation for all
We recognise the challenges faced by many Australians and prioritise our efforts to support social and economic participation for all
Australia is strengthened by its "little" leaders as much as its eminent leaders and we value and nurture leadership at all levels

"We want to be effective in our giving, leave an impression, a lasting legacy. We have to be strategic in our giving, we have to collaborate with others and take ownership of our learnings on what has and has not worked. Good philanthropy is leading by example, particularly as the new wealth of young entrepreneurs is increasing. Our role is also to encourage others to give."
Fairfax family member, 3rd generation