Social Impact Leadership Australia Announces Fourth Cohort of For-purpose Leaders

Social Impact Leadership Australia (SILA) is a ground-breaking leadership and capacity building program that has seen 72 for-purpose CEOs participate from across the country.
SILA’s latest cohort is made up of 24 leaders from Queensland and the Northern Territory working across a range of impact areas such as the arts, social justice, First Nations and the environment, in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas.
SILA is a partnership between VFFF, the Sidney Myer Fund and The Myer Foundation, and the Paul Ramsay Foundation and is delivered by the Centre for Social Impact at UNSW.
To read the full SILA announcement and learn more about Cohort Four, click here.
“Too many for-purpose CEOs sacrifice investment in their professional development.
The SILA Program gives not-for-profit leaders the permission, and the funds, they need to grow both themselves and, in turn, their organisation’s impact. Perhaps even more important, each SILA cohort becomes a vital support network of leaders that can sustain one another throughout their leadership journeys.”
Jenny Wheatley, CEO VFFF