The Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation Turns 60!
On 2 June 2022, three generations of the Fairfax family gathered for the 60th anniversary of the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation. Since 1962, VFFF has distributed more than $200 million to Australian communities. Honouring this tradition, the family decided to celebrate its anniversary with a special granting program.

The Foundation awarded grants of $180,000 (totalling $2.16 million) in untied funds to 12 organisations, advancing the independence, social purpose and future security of young people. This mission, Backing Young People, realises the aspirations of Sir Vincent Fairfax to strengthen "a spirit of unity in the family, nation and beyond", by recognising that young people have an essential part to play.
"Their enthusiasm needs to be used to the full. To help them appreciate their responsibilities to society, both in work and in leisure, and to guide their enthusiasm towards improving the quality of life, not only for themselves but also for others and for future generations, will serve well the whole community and the nation." Sir Vincent Fairfax, December 1976.
Events like this are just one of the ways that younger family members can connect with philanthropy. The children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Sir Vincent and Lady Nancy take great interest in the organisations that VFFF supports. They attend site visits and sit on the VFFF Board and Grants Committee, sometimes with a next generation baby over a shoulder as they look at proposals, ask questions and learn more about community needs.
At the event, fourth generation Fairfax family members made wishes for the future. As one of them noted, "I'm excited for the new projects we will support in the future and how us, as the younger generation, can get involved."
We are pleased to announce that 60th Anniversary Grants have been made to: