Our Story, Our People

Vincent Fairfax Fellowship

“Let us remember that the power and wealth of a democracy is measured not only by the number and quality of its eminent leaders but by thousands of ‘little’ leaders who provide its real strength.”

Vincent Fairfax address at the opening of the Birthright Conference, 8 October 1983

Angus White, VFFF Director, congratulating Fellows at the Vincent Fairfax Fellowship graduation
Angus White, VFFF Director, congratulating Fellows at the Vincent Fairfax Fellowship graduation

The Vincent Fairfax Fellowship™ was established in 1994 by VFFF Trustee Emeritus Geoffrey White, to honour Sir Vincent Fairfax. Sir Vincent was acknowledged as an outstanding leader with a desire to encourage the development of ethical leadership and moral courage in Australia.

Sir Vincent envisaged that leadership in Australia would be shaped by people with their thoughts, beliefs, decisions and actions grounded in a sound ethical framework. The Fellowship was designed to equip Australian leaders with the conviction, skills and knowledge to make considered decisions, having regard to those affected and treating others as they would wish to be treated. As candidates become Fellows and Alumni, it is intended they have a far-reaching impact on the way in which leadership decisions are made and implemented in their organisations and in the broader community.

More than 300 Fellows have graduated from the Fellowship. Between 1994 and 2009, the Fellowship was operated by the St James Ethics Centre (now the Ethics Centre) in Sydney. Between 2010 and 2013 the Fellowship was operated by the Centre for Ethical Leadership at Melbourne Business School and then Ormond College.

The current delivery partner is the Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership (CCEL) in partnership with Monash University. Today’s Fellowship offers a select group of senior executive leaders the opportunity to engage with up to 20 others in a highly advanced leadership environment. The Fellowship anchors leaders in a moral decision framework and coaches for the development of moral reasoning skills and leadership capabilities, applicable in the most dynamic, disruptive and complex business challenges.


Applications for the 2025 Vincent Fairfax Fellowship will open September 2024.

Lear more and submit an expression of interest here.